Written by Gerald Davison
320 pages, simulated leather, octavo.
Expected to be out in June 2010.
320 Pages. Illustrated in colour.
Almost 10 years in the making it is the only reference work in any language to deal so exhaustively with the entire range of these very diverse marks. This time, the almost 3,400 individual marks are beautifully reproduced in colour and compiled in sections and groupings to make recognition of such unfamiliar shapes as easy as possible. All of the marks are translated into English together with the pinyin Romanisation. The range of marks includes not only those in the regular kaishu script but also some 500 marks redrawn in the classical zhuanshu seal script form together with a range of pictorial symbols. Finally the very detailed 70 page directory section then provides a wide range of historical, dating, geographical and mythological information, where available, for each mark.
Building on the gradual success of first the unique small format 'Guide' (250 marks) published in 1987 which was reprinted twice, and then the much acclaimed and more comprehensive 'Handbook' (1800 marks) published in 1994, this forthcoming NEW and EXPANDED publication now contains TWICE the content with approaching 3,400 marks spread over 320 pages.
AVAILABLE FROM medio JUNE 2010. Pre-order your copy today!