Sophisticated desk clock

Sophisticated desk clock

Price: Price on request

Offered by Toebosch Antiques

Sophisticated desk clock Sophisticated desk clock Sophisticated desk clock Sophisticated desk clock Sophisticated desk clock

A very nice highly sophisticated striking and repeating elegant louis XVI French miniature desk clock signed by Mosmann a Colmar ca. 1780. Mounted on a burgundy coloured marmer base. The gilded case has a varity of lovely detailed engravings. On top a silvered pork pie bell with several urn finals. The silk threat suspension has a verge escapement, striking movement on bell.

Mosmann Colmar
23 x 9 x 9 cm

Offered by

Toebosch Antiques

Kenaupark 29
2011 MR Haarlem
The Netherlands

+31 (0)6 53 211 641
+31 (0)6 53 211 641

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