Offered by Van Dreven Antique Clocks
No 110. An exceptional desk-globe clock, Pendule Cosmographique, by Mouret, Paris , c.1880.
Exceptional clock with eight day movement. The brass movement also drives the mechanism in order to have the earth-globe rotating and to indicating the day of the month on an horizontal glass annual calendar ring and the position of the sun toward the earth. The globe makes one circulation in 24-hours. Enamel chapter ring with roman numerals. The clockwork is mounted in a circular scale à 28 cm. The globe is signed by the eminent globe maker: Maison Delamarche, Rue Serpente 25, Paris. The movement is signed Pendule Cosmographique MOURET, and the dealer J. Poncet, Fabt, Morez-du-Jura. Because the mechanism of the clock and the mechanism of the globe are interactive, it makes the globe with the annual ring working as a year calendar. Equation of time: Most significant for this cosmographic clock is that you can read the mean time - this the time you read on the clock - and the sun-time, this is the time you read by looking at the sunhand and its position towards the moving globe. This shows the equation of time. These two different time systems are visible at the same time makes this time piece unique. The changing positions of the earth towards the sun in different seasons and the evolution of earth axe- angle in the course of a year are shown and executed when the clock is running. Dimensions: Height ca. 57 cm; the circular scale 28 cm. On request a glass dome can be provided (to protect the globe for dust and visitors hands).
Price on request.
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