Vereniging Nederlandse Wapenverzamelaars - VNW
Vereniging Nederlandse Wapenverzamelaars - VNW
Prins Hendrikstraat 15d
3071 LG
The Netherlands
The 'Vereniging van Nederlandse Wapenverzamelaars' (‘VNW’ for short) is internationally known as the Dutch Arms and Armour Collectors’ Society. Its main goals are the stimulation of arms collecting in The Netherlands and the improving the mutual contact between arms collectors. These goals are furthered by organising arms fairs in the months of March, June, September and December. Four times a year the society publishes a magazine called 'Wapenfeiten'.
Another important task of the society is the representation of its members at government level on the matter of laws concerning arms ownership in the Netherlands.
Membership of the society is open to all nationalities.