Offered by La Doyenne Vintage
Kermit Oliver (born 1943) is an American painter who studied and worked in Houston before moving to Waco, Texas. His work reflects his Texas heritage and his interest in mythology, religion and history.
He was designer of very popular series of Hermès scarves, including 'Pani La Shar Pawnee', reflecting not only Oliver's talents, but also his fascination with the Pawnee tribe. The Pawnees were the first indigenous tribe to come into contact with French culture!
This carré reflects Kermit Oliver's wonderful eye for detail, his sublime artistry and creativity. Based on his meticulous research on the Pawnee tribe, his horsemen mimic Norman conquerors, inspired by 11th-century Bayeux tapestries, as they gallop around the edge of the scarf.
'a wearable work of art'
Site by Artimin