Copper engraving from "Gli Ornati delle pareti ed i pavimenti delle stanze dell'Antica Pompeii, incisi in rame”: ‘Parte per lungo di stanza d’una Casa posta nella Citta di Pompei’. Engraving by Raff. Estevan after a drawing by Francesco Morelli. The complete edition of this work consisted of more than 100 plates and was an overview of the wall frescoes and floor mosaics as they were uncovered during excavations at Pompeii in the second half of the 18th century. Works on the edition started in 1796. The discovery of Herculaneum and Pompeii resulted in a huge interest in Roman art and architecture; these engravings of Pompeii were very popular with Grand Tour travelers, and had an enormous influence on the architecture and decorative arts of the 1800s.
Plate Size 50.6 x 43.5 cm
Paper Size 94 x 62.8 cm
Site by Artimin