A brass ball chandelier with a single layer of six S volute-shaped arms around a central column. In the middle of the column is the gallery to which the arms are fixed, above which is a baluster shape and the ring from which the chandelier is suspended. The arms each bear an upwards-oriented C-shaped volute that leans against the baluster, resulting in a more interesting symphony of lines as well as a sturdier construction. Under the gallery is a ball, beneath which is a finial. The arms terminate in dish-shaped, slightly profiled wax catchers, upon which stand the candle sleeves.
During the seventeenth century, a new type of lighting was developed in the Low Countries: the tiered, spherical brass chandelier with a richly profiled stem terminating in a turned drop finial. The exquisitely scrolled arms sprouted, in one or more tiers, from the stem. This popular model was continued far into the 19th century. These ‘bolkronen’ are frequently depicted in 17th century paintings and thereby give the impression that they were common in virtually every household. However, research into inventories has shown that these chandeliers were not very customary in everyday homes. They were more likely to be found in the elegant houses of the wealthy elite where the chandeliers were a coveted feature of the furnishings, due to their rich play of light and reflection.
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