Offered by Kollenburg Antiquairs BV
A small, elegant discus chandelier, suspended by six gilt bronze chains that connect the canopy to the disc-shaped bowl. The canopy is decorated with eight erect openwork branches with blossoms at the top and a gilt bronze pinnacle in the shape of a pine cone at the bottom. The disc, from which the arms emerge, is crowned with a Venus figure wearing a laurel wreath and standing upon a ball. The elegant gilt bronze arms, themselves affixed to a richly decorated gilt bronze band, have the shape of graceful swans that appear to bear the candleholders aloft with their beaks. The bottom of the chandelier terminates in a gilt bronze pinnacle encircled with stylised palmette leaves.
The chandelier’s theme is The Triumph of Venus - in other words, of love and beauty. The centrally placed Venus is the goddess of love. Her chariot is pulled by swans, the epitome of beauty.
Site by Artimin