French High quality nicely gilded and engraved hand carrying decorative fantasy lantern

French High quality nicely gilded and engraved hand carrying decorative fantasy lantern

Prijs: € 3500

Aangeboden door Toebosch Antiques

French High quality nicely gilded and engraved hand carrying decorative fantasy lantern French High quality nicely gilded and engraved hand carrying decorative fantasy lantern French High quality nicely gilded and engraved hand carrying decorative fantasy lantern French High quality nicely gilded and engraved hand carrying decorative fantasy lantern French High quality nicely gilded and engraved hand carrying decorative fantasy lantern

Very unusual probably French High quality nicely gilded and engraved hand-carrying decorative fantasy lantern with a night clock function activated with a pocket watch movement. Matted glass chapter ring with red Roman Nr’s Special section for a candle disc to light the hours and the minutes

Very unusual probably French High quality nicely gilded and engraved hand carrying decorative fantasy lantern with a night clock function activated with a pocket watch movement. Matted glass chapter ring with red Roman Nr’s Special section for a candle disc to light the hours and the minutes
36 x 19 cm

Aangeboden door

Toebosch Antiques

Kenaupark 29
2011 MR Haarlem

+31 (0)6 53 211 641
+31 (0)6 53 211 641

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