Galerie Bart

Galerie Bart
Bloemgracht 2
1015TH Amsterdam
The Netherlands

+ 31 203206208

Galerie Bart’s objective is promote artists who have graduated from Dutch art academies and sell their work on the (inter)national market.

Galerie Bart has two branches: Bart kunst in huis in Nijmegen and Galerie Bart in Amsterdam.

Our gallery in Nijmegen, open since 1 March 2003, functions as a breeding ground for new talent. ‘Bart kunst in huis’ pays annual visits to the exhibitions of artists graduating from the twelve art academies in the Netherlands. Each year ‘Bart kunst in huis’ selects a number of graduates who stand out for the quality and originality of their work, the daring behind it, and their artistic ambitions.

Galerie Bart in Amsterdam is the "display window" that offers new talent that has exhibited at ‘Bart kunst in huis’ (Nijmegen) the possibility to move on. Here, artists can develop further and attract greater (inter)national interest for their work. In addition to Nijmegen’s regular stock of artists, ‘Galerie Bart’ also works with other artists who meet the above-mentioned criteria: quality, originality, daring and ambition.

‘Bart’ is associated with the KunstKoop (stimulus programme for buying art) of the Mondriaan Foundation and is a member of the Netherlands Gallery Association (NGA).

Galerie Bart

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